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发布时间: 2021-06-06 20:17:13

⑴ 英文杂志Rebuttal Letter怎么写

Rebuttal Letter也就是response letter

⑵ 辩论中的refutation和rebuttal有区别吗

refutation---A refutation of an argument, accusation, or theory is something that proves it is wrong or untrue. 能证明一种观点、指责或理论是错误或不真实的就是驳斥。
rebuttal---If you make a rebuttal of a charge or accusation that has been made against you, you make a statement which gives reasons why the accusation is untrue. 一种对责备和不真实的事情进行说理的辩驳。


⑶ 如何写rebuttal 小木虫

有可能是审稿人的意见比较负面,编辑觉得楼主的文章有可取之处,这种情况下需要写rebuttal letter。首先楼主需要驳斥或解释审稿人提出的问题,针对每一个问题列出详细清单,有的放矢,逐一击破,而且要有理有据,针对审稿人提出的一些合理的问题你可以适当修改原文,但要做具体说明。

⑷ rebuttal submission 什么意思

rebuttal submission的中文翻译

rebuttal submission


⑸ 辩论中的rebuttal是什么意思

rebuttal 英[rɪ'bʌtl] 美[rɪˈbʌtl:]

n. 举反例,反驳,抗辩;

[例句]He is concting a point-by-pointrebuttalof charges from formercolleagues


[其他] 复数:rebuttals

⑹ rebuttal 怎么写

n. 举反例,反驳,抗辩
Now, I had a great rebuttal for her.
That is my point and in my talk I got a strong rebuttal from the opposing viewpoint.
It has a rebuttal for any excuse.

⑺ 论文rebuttal的第一句应该怎么写


⑻ 如何写学术论文的rebuttal

针对每一个问题列出详细清单。首先楼主需要驳斥或解释审稿人提出的问题有可能是审稿人的意见比较负面,而且要有理有据,针对审稿人提出的一些合理的问题你可以适当修改原文,有的放矢,编辑觉得楼主的文章有可取之处,逐一击破,这种情况下需要写rebuttal letter,但要做具体说明


⑼ rebuttal

1. nowdays we've coming in to a busy day, if there is a restriction on using private car, it'll bring a number of inconvenience to car owners who have owner the car almost busy business man
2.compared to factory instry poluution, the polutte of car let off can not have a considerable impact
3.if there is a restriction of using car and more and more people choose subway or other transport, the automobile factory will lose money in business.it is bad for the car instry development
4 the point of this argument is to rece car using in order to reach the environmental proction. make a restriction is not a smart idear compare to encourage inventing people using new source.
5.the invention of car is one singles of teconology reform. it is the tendency of history.it is better to improve it rather than stop using it.
6. people's working schele are difference, and there is no denying that if a person who works at low-peak time, it will waste more energy by taking a bus in which do not have much people than driving their own car.
7. have a restriction is not a permenent measure, the important is how to make people protect environment activily.
8.we do some change to achieve a aim, but we sometimes ignore that like the car restriction, the things we changed maybe make a massive influence on our ordinary life. thus, we need to do some thinking and comparing and give a conclusion or take a measure.

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