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发布时间: 2021-04-19 03:15:22

⑴ 独裁者插曲里那首,阿拉底 阿拉底是什么歌 跪求!!!

The Next Episode (Explicit) Aiwa, Mr Tibbz;Admiral General Aladeen


⑵ 求独裁者片尾曲Admiral General Aladeen 歌词

La La La La Now comes the big leader
(Aladeen Motherfuckers)
La La La La
The people say I'm the President of Generosity
Ye, Ye, Ye, Yes
You know this person, You motherfuckers
Where is the weed my boy? Where is the smoke my boy?
Come on and smoke, SMOKE!

The greatest beat them and made them like balls
Let them hear me come on nigga make the voice
Arabi Habibi, come give me a hug
Freddie fought in the corner bb in Roxens the club
Drunk, lazy and everybody total backward
Our lives do not become deplorable
Come dance and care about anything
I put a gun in their house and nobody heard a shit
Girls look at me weird and i don't give a shit
Let me comb my hair is the most important
Let's go sister the climate is poisoned
Take a short and shrimps and spirit of Hell
Everywhere, everywhere they call me the father of Rap
This is a good girl don't let the talk out
Return and go away you look like Jahfel
If you believe in X can you forget a bit

La La La La It's the general Aladeen
(Aladeen Motherfuckers)
La La La La
And my people say I'm the President of Generosity

Went in every streets of NYC
King of the house adaptation to the field
My cocktail -Habibi- is so p
Wow do you feel? wup wup Man What?
General Alaa is driving a Cadillac
Look at him so comfortable drank some jak
You have gun so you've got every place
From MBD to Queen C to Browns Villa
From hard leme to the lower East Side
New York City Ah, I love New York it's remind me about Ye Valley
Anyway, you see me going into 40x40 club
With Jay Z and all my team
With some drink and American smoke
I went back home with some African
Habibi look 2012 is here
From the seasons General episode (episode, episode, episode, episode!)

Hold up! Hey...This season is full of episodes! Hold up
Heyyyy, this season is full of episodes! Hold up
Heyyyy, this season is full of episodes! Hold up
Heyyyy, this season is full of episodes HeyyyweeeeyHeyy
Smoke weed everyday!

⑶ 如何评价独裁者对于剧中人物怎么评价




1、艾拉登Aladeen/Efawadh演员: 萨莎拜伦科恩


2、佐薇Zoey演员: 安娜法瑞丝


⑷ 有一部电影,喜剧片,恶心卡扎菲的,什么名字


《独裁者》是由拉里·查尔斯执导, 萨莎·拜伦·科恩编剧、萨莎·拜伦·科恩、安娜·法瑞丝、本·金斯利主演的喜剧电影。影片于2012年5月16日在美国上映。






⑸ 8周的宝宝,晚上7点多吃完奶,睡到第2天早上7点才吃下一顿,没问题吧喜忧参半


⑹ 美国电影《独裁者》主演的手机铃声和片尾曲叫什么名字

手机铃声叫:Funkytown 歌手是:Lipps Inc 在歌曲的01:05处开始是Aladeen的手机铃声
片尾曲叫:Admiral General Aladeen-The Next Episode 歌手是:Naufalle Al Wahab El Tayeb Ibrahim 这首歌原来是Dr. Dre和Snoop Dogg的歌曲The Next Episode, 这个片尾曲是改编过的阿拉伯语版。。呵呵。。你要是需要的话不介意可以留个邮箱,我这里有这部影片的所有电影原声,可以给你发去。

⑺ 独裁者片尾曲Admiral General Aladeen-The Next Episode的原音 音质要好的 [email protected] 谢谢


⑻ admiral general aladeen the next episode这首歌,能给我发一下吗谢谢 邮箱是[email protected]


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⑽ 求CBA比赛播放的一首背景音乐是电子奏乐:等等等等 等等 的调

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean

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